When A Woman Gets Out of Line…

There are times when even high-quality women make mistakes and behave disrespectfully. If and when that happens to you—and let’s be clear, even if you…

Younger Women CHASE Older Men Who Ask THESE 3 “Trigger” Questions

If chasing a girl means losing a girl, then the opposite is also true: if you can get a girl to chase you, she’s yours.…

When A Girl “Pulls Away” AVOID These Mistakes

Whenever you get that sense a woman might be pulling away, you're almost always right. Now, that doesn’t mean it’s over, but it does mean…

THE 9 Greatest Texts Ever Sent To Women

When it comes to messaging women, whether on text, Tinder, or beyond, there are only three kinds of messages: the good, the bad, and the…

How Older Guys Can Date Younger Women

Dating Tips for Older Men

Can an older man really date younger women? The answer is yes, but only if you know how to use your age to your advantage...

Your Antidote to Boring Small Talk

Most guys don’t understand how to keep a conversation going without slipping into boring small talk or asking interview-style questions. Yet it’s a CRUCIAL skill...

The 10 Commandments of Text Game (2024 Edition)

Our texts are but digital paper planes, tossed into the wind; how they're crafted and where they land is up to us. Let's make sure…

Understanding ATTACHMENT is Hacking the Game

If there’s one book every single guy needs to read, it’s Attached by Amir Levine and Rachel S. F. Heller. I find myself recommending (and…

9 Ways to Create Tension That Attracts Women

Today we're diving into a game-changer when it comes to attracting women: TENSION. Tension is the "secret sauce" that leaves her wanting more...

Mastering the Art of Sparking a Magnetic Vibe

When it comes to engaging with women, many guys find themselves at a loss for words, struggling to escalate the conversation and create an attractive,…