Let me break this down for you because most guys are handling tension all wrong…
When a woman pulls back or goes cold, guys panic. Their gut instinct is to rush in and fix it, to get that closure, to smooth things over.
They THINK they’re being proactive but all they’re really doing is killing any chance of attraction. It’s like slamming the brakes when you should be hitting the gas.
Here’s what these guys don’t understand…
Their need to eliminate tension is exactly what eliminates her interest!
Think about it…
have you ever tried holding onto water? The tighter you squeeze, the more slips through your fingers. Same thing with attraction. The harder you chase certainty, the faster it evaporates.
This ties into what I call “THE COMFORT PARADOX”…
Guys think if they can just make everything SMOOTH and SAFE, a woman will feel more attracted. Yet what often happens?
The EXACT opposite!
The more you ‘TRY’ to make things comfortable, the more boring you become. It’s like watching a movie with no conflict – sure, everyone’s happy, but who wants to watch that?
And look, we’ve all been guilty of avoiding tension. (Me certainly included!) Maybe you stifle your real opinion because you’re afraid she’ll disagree. Or you break eye contact right when things start getting electric. Or you don’t go for the kiss even though all the signs are there.
Each time you dodge tension like this, you’re actually dodging attraction.
This is especially crucial when it comes to escalation. Whether you’re trying to move from friendly to flirty, or from dating to a relationship, you NEED tension. It’s like trying to start a fire – you need that friction. Without it, nothing ignites.
One of the biggest tension-killers I see is guys constantly apologizing or seeking reassurance. Every time you say sorry for something minor or fish for validation, you’re essentially telling her, “Hey, so I’m not sure of myself…” And if you’re not sure of yourself, how can she be sure about you?
Remember: tension isn’t just something to endure – it’s your SECRET WEAPON for attracting women! Master how to handle it, and you’ll stand out from every other guy who’s trying to play it safe.
If you want to learn more about creating attractive tension, check out the YouTube video I just posted: