How to be a Successful Student of Men’s Dating Advice

Sometimes I feel like a fortuneteller. I can often tell a guy’s future. I can tell how a guy’s is going to progress, what sort…

Why I Hate Neil Strauss: An Essay

Neil Strauss is the worst. I’m not name-calling, bickering, or launching some underhanded smear campaign. Strauss is the worst because he’s the lowest form of…

Approach Anxiety: He Made Out with the Android Second…

He made out with the ugly girl first. I’d told him to approach the redhead he’d been eyeing all night. Tom gazed at me with…

Why Most Guys Prefer Pickup Skills over Women, or the Hidden Secret of Playing to Your Strengths

Before I delve into dating, let me digress for a moment. I want to confess something… I suck at sports. I’m uncoordinated. I don’t have…

When the 80/20 Rule Flips, or What to Do When You Become “Good” with Women

Newbs—you gotta love ‘em. Whether you’re learning how to become better with women or playing some dorky multiplayer videogame, there will always be “newbs”—people trying…

The Beauty of Hitting Bottom: How I learned cold approach pickup

Stop. If you want to see the world through rose-colored glasses, stop reading right now. Seriously, what I’m about to write is going to be…

ApproacHER: My iPhone app

So the last few weeks I've been hard at work on developing my own iPhone app. I designed it as a mini-course on getting over…

The Best Time of Your Life

Whenever I meet guys looking to improve their success with women, one underlying question always permeates everything they do: when will I be good with…

Better Dating for Normal Guys

When you imagine improving your love life, what comes to mind? Do you envision wild nightclubs? Crazy party girls with fake boobs shoved in your…

How to Write a Journal that reads like a Hollywood Movie

Writing a journal is one the best ways to spend your time. To me, writing about your experiences is like drinking a protein shake after…