How to Text a Girl: The 10 Best Texts to Send Hot Girls…OF ALL TIME

Let's get down to business with some hot tips for how to text a girl. And there's no better way to do that then we…

Date Hotter Girls EXPOSED: A Clarification of our Values

Last night I was out with my editor and friend, Bobby Rio. It’s pretty awesome when you have a job where hooking up with girls…

DHG’s Reading List for Getting Better With Women

Some of you may have seen my post on TSB this morning on my top 5 novels for getting better with women. Guys always ask…

The Death of the Pickup Artist: A Eulogy

Gentlemen. It was fun while it lasted—even if you could only stay a minute before you had to get back to your friends. Let us…

This Ain’t No Skillset

“Guys who’re good with women are easy to recognize, but hard to notice.” That’s a maxim I throw around often. Working in the dating advice…

Silence in Seduction

It was our third date. We were back at my apartment. Candlelight flicked over the walls. French pop music played on softly on the stereo.…

Taking the PUA Out of Picking Up Chicks

Wanting to be a “PUA” was so 2007. These days, most guys cringe when they hear the three-letter acronym and only use the poo-ahs lexicon…

My 4-EG Method in a nutshell

My “4-EG System” (the nerd in me had to give it a dorky-sounding name, sorry!) is so simple I can’t believe no one else has…

The 10 Most Important Things a "Newbie" should do to Learn How to Pickup Women

While it seems obvious, many guys have no idea why they want to learn pickup. Some guys want to get girls, some guys want to…

Txt Crystallization: Recover Flakes in 3 Easy Texts

…but in this world nothing can be said to be certain, except death, taxes, AND flaking. To amend Ben Franklin’s famous quote, flaky girl aren’t…